Robert M. Pieta

2024 Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Robert M. Pieta is the founder of Hyper Scale Logic, a Chicago-based agency that develops process optimization and automation software for rapidly growing companies. Hyper Scale Logic builds custom rule-engine and AI systems deployed on-premises or in the cloud, enabling companies like FountainTRT and Marathon Digital Holdings to scale operations with improved unit economics and margins.

Before founding Hyper Scale Logic, Robert worked as a software consultant. He led a remote team of engineers and designers building mobile apps and cloud infrastructure for companies like Airbnb, Intelligent Medical Objects, ME Suite, and Streaks. In 2020, Robert started, a blog about Swift programming that now reaches hundreds of thousands of Swift developers.

Robert took the 5-semester speed run route to earn his bachelor’s degree in computer science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He was chair of ACM@UIUC, constantly hacked on project ideas, and built apps for HackIllinois, Engineering Open House, and Reflections | Projections.