Illinois-Insper Partnership
International Collaboration on Education and Research
Insper and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign , through the Grainger College of Engineering and the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science, are developing a partnership to support research and educational collaborations between the two institutions.
Collaborations are planned to include joint research projects with co-PIs from Insper and Illinois, curriculum development in computing and data science, sabbatical experiences for Insper faculty, postdoc experiences for Future Insper Faculty, fellowships for PhD students and professional master’s students, and summer research internships for Insper undergraduates.
Insper Institute of Education and Research
The Insper Instituto De Ensino E Pesquisa (Insper Institute of Education and Research) is an independent, non-profit institution focused on teaching excellence and research in the fields of business, economics, law, engineering, computer science, public policy, and communications. Insper offers undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs.
Research and Educational Collaborations
Insper faculty are working with Siebel School of Computing and Data Science faculty and graduate students on joint research projects to develop long-term collaborations between the two institutions. Project details can be found here.
Future Insper faculty will have an opportunity to spend two years as postdocs at Illinois as participants in the Future Faculty Fellows program. They will establish research collaborations with Siebel School of Computing and Data Science faculty that could be continued when they assume their faculty positions at Insper, engage in curriculum development and mentored teaching, and participate in career development programs.
The curriculum development collaboration will engage Siebel School of Computing and Data Science faculty members to consult and advise Insper faculty and the Insper Future Faculty Postdoctoral Fellows on the design of the Insper computing curriculum. This will include sharing UIUC curriculum expertise developed from its many undergraduate computer science degree and program options, interdisciplinary education in data science, and the Illinois Computing Accelerator for Non-Specialists (iCAN) certificate program. Expertise in educational infrastructure will also be utilized from programs such as PrairieLearn and the Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF).
Faculty and Student Exchanges
Insper faculty will spend semester-long sabbatical experiences at Illinois, engaging in collaborations with Illinois faculty on research and education.
Graduate fellowships will provide Siebel School of Computing and Data Science PhD students the opportunity to be co-advised by Illinois and Insper faculty, including spending time at both institutions. Master’s Fellowships will support approved students completing an undergraduate degree at Insper as they continue to Illinois for a professional Master of Computer Science (MCS) degree.
For undergraduate research internships, Insper undergraduate students would participate in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program and spend ten weeks on the Illinois campus working with research projects and faculty. Students will present at an end of program research symposium, and participate in weekly seminars covering research and presentation skills, graduate studies, and professional development, and be encouraged to consider Illinois for graduate studies.
Primary Partnership Contacts
Nancy M. Amato
Bliss Professor and Department Head
Department of Computer Science
Grainger College of Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Guilherme Martins
Insper Instituto De Ensino E Pesquisa
(Insper Institute of Education and Research)
Gregory Pluta
Executive Director
Grainger College of Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign