Directed Reading Program

The metal Grainger Bob statue sits and reads a book.The Directed Reading Program is for undergraduate students interested in studying computer science at a deeper level and exploring the type of learning a graduate student or computer science researcher does.

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Students will meet on Zoom with a graduate mentor over the course of the winter break for at least 1 hour a week to discuss weekly readings from a computer science textbook in the mentor’s research area. 

Structure of the Program

Mentees must commit at least four hours weekly to independent study outside the Zoom meeting. They will receive free textbooks and modest stipends for participating in the DRP.

Why Should You Participate?

Meetings will enable undergraduate students to study computer science at a deeper level than can be done in a classroom and has several benefits. Primarily, it will introduce the student to the type of learning one is more likely to experience as a graduate student in computer science or as a researcher. The mentee is also introduced to a computer science topic that may be more advanced or specialized than traditional coursework.

Who is Eligible?

All students are eligible, but we mainly target upperclassmen (i.e., juniors or seniors) in the computer science or CS + X programs.


Don't hesitate to contact us at drp@cs.illinois or contact Nathanael Assefa if you have any questions about the program or are wondering how to be involved.
