Security and Privacy

At the same time society is increasingly relying on computers, a diverse array of adversaries are exploiting security vulnerabilities in these systems to compromise critical assets. There are also rising privacy concerns about how pervasive collection of data about individuals can be used to predict and manipulate their behavior. Illinois Security and Privacy faculty address security and privacy concerns with both theoretical and applied approaches.

They address security of computer and communication systems including: operating systems; auditing and data provenance; the Internet, wireless networks, and the “internet of things”; cloud computing; approximate computing; quality and resource management; and mobile computing. They also explore techniques related to security and privacy in a data science context such as: technologies for privacy-preserving data sharing based on cryptography, hardware, or generative models; distributed systems, crypto-currencies,  and blockchains; adversarial machine learning; secure computation, zero-knowledge verifiable outsourcing, and related cryptography. These and other techniques are applied to a wide range of applications including: multi-sensory systems and multimedia; human factors and socio-technical considerations; power grids, autonomous vehicles and other cyber-physical systems; healthcare and genomics.


Faculty & Affiliate Faculty

Secure Compilation, Program Analysis, Software Security, Debloating

Systems and Networks, Auditing, Internet of Things Security

 Network Verification, Software Resilience, Model Checking

 Cloud Computing, Big Data, Ubiquitous Computing, Micro Kernels

Usable Privacy and Security

Hardware Security, Applied Cryptography

Network Infrastructure Security and Verification

Internet-of-Things, Privacy, Data Science,Healthcare, Power Grid

Cryptography, Secure Computation, Multiparty Computation

Systems Security, Memory/Storage Security

Measures and Models,  Trust Measurement and Modeling, AI/ML, Systems and Networks

Secure Computation, Cryptography, Privacy

Mobile Privacy, Wireless Security

E-Crime and Cyber-Physical Systems

Machine Learning, Privacy Preserving Generative Models

Distributed Computing and Cryptography

Approximate Computing across Full System Stack

Mobile, Multi-Sensory Systems, Quality and Resource Management, Energy Systems

Cryptography, Secure Distributed Systems, Privacy

Formal verification of security protocols; Verification of differential privacy

Security and Privacy, Internet Measurement, Human Factors

Usable Privacy and Security

Adjunct Faculty

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