CS CARES Committee

CS CARES Committee: Contact

Title IX Responsible Employees: All Illinois CS CARES Committee Members except undergraduate student members are considered Title IX Responsible Employees. Responsible employees must immediately report allegations or disclosures of sexual violence/sexual misconduct involving anyone covered under the policy to the Title IX Coordinator. Click here to learn more about Responsible Employees.

CS CARES Anonymous Reporting Form

 If you would like to anonymously report an incident, please complete this form. Form responses are accessible to the Chair, BPC Coordinator, and Vice-Chair, and no personal identifying information is revealed unless the reporter chooses to provide this information. Please indicate any committee members who you do not want to see your concern. Concerns that are conflicted with the Chair, Vice-Chair, or BPC Coordinator will not be addressed by these parties. To avoid conflicts of interest with these parties, the anonymous reporting form has a way to report only to the chair or vice chair. In the event of a conflict with both the chair and vice chair, we encourage you to reach out to a member of the CS CARES committee, and they will assist you in addressing your concern without involving the conflicted party.

Report Anonymously

Email List

To send an email to all members of the CS CARES Committee, you can email cs-cares@lists.cs.illinois.edu. In your email, please state any committee members with whom you have a conflict of interest or do not want to see your concern. You can also email individual committee members directly with concerns.

Office Hours

CS CARES will hold at least one in-person or zoom “walk-in” office hour each week day.  During CS CARES Office Hours, CS Community Members (students, faculty, and staff) are welcome to confidentially meet with CS CARES committee members to discuss their experiences in the Siebel School for Computing and Data Science. 


All ZOOM Office Hours are confidential- to ensure anonymity, participants will be placed in an anonymous waiting room and let into the meeting by the CS CARES committee member leading the office hours. Meetings are not recorded, and meeting participants will only be known to the committee member holding the office hour and the organizer of the office hour, who will keep all meeting participant lists confidential.

Join CS CARES Office Hours

Upcoming Office Hours


CS CARES Office Hours: Mattox Beckman

3:00 PM



CS CARES Office Hours: CJ Coleman

10:00 AM



CS CARES Office Hours: Steve Herzog

2:00 PM



CS CARES Office Hours: Sarita Adve

1:00 PM



No events found



For non-confidential questions about CS CARES operations, send an email to the BPC team at bpc-programs@cs.illinois.edu.