All Events

Sep 16 - Oct 16

Monday, September 16

COLLOQUIUM: Jiaqi Ma, Data Attribution: A Principled Data-Centric Approach for Trustworthy AI

Tuesday, September 17

Roblox Tech Talk

Roblox Tech Talk

1404 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Wednesday, September 18

Bridging the Socio-Technical Gap: Towards Explainable and Responsible AI
Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Thursday, September 19

Final Defense of Yufeng Su

Final Defense of Yufeng Su

COLLOQUIUM: Zhiyong Lu, Navigating Complexity: Opportunities and Risks of AI and Large Language Models in Medicine

Friday, September 20

Postdoc Social Lunch

Postdoc Social Lunch

Welcome to our new Postdocs, and welcome back to returning Postdocs! We are resuming weekly lunch meetings with Professor Mohammed El-Kebir. They will be held every Friday from 12-1pm in the Faculty/Staff Lounge on the 4th floor (SC 4401), barring campus holidays and breaks. Pizza will be served at every meeting!

Siebel 4401

Sunday, September 22

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Monday, September 23



HYBRID: 2405 Siebel Center for Computer Science or online

Wednesday, September 25

COLLOQUIUM: Thodoris Lykouris, Learning to Defer in Content Moderation: The Human-AI Interplay
Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Thursday, September 26

AICE Fall Research Symposium

AICE Fall Research Symposium

Showcasing AI conversational systems work by AICE researchers and students. Register today!

Room 2405 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Friday, September 27

Postdoc Social Lunch

Postdoc Social Lunch

Welcome to our new Postdocs, and welcome back to returning Postdocs! We are resuming weekly lunch meetings with Professor Mohammed El-Kebir. They will be held every Friday from 12-1pm in the Faculty/Staff Lounge on the 4th floor (SC 4401), barring campus holidays and breaks. Pizza will be served at every meeting!

Siebel 4401

Sunday, September 29

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Wednesday, October 2

COLLOQUIUM: Danny Halperin

COLLOQUIUM: Danny Halperin

HYBRID: 2405 Siebel Center for Computer Science or online

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Friday, October 4

Postdoc Social Lunch

Postdoc Social Lunch

Welcome to our new Postdocs, and welcome back to returning Postdocs! We are resuming weekly lunch meetings with Professor Mohammed El-Kebir. They will be held every Friday from 12-1pm in the Faculty/Staff Lounge on the 4th floor (SC 4401), barring campus holidays and breaks. Pizza will be served at every meeting!

Siebel 4401

Office Hours w/ Department Head Nancy Amato

Office Hours w/ Department Head Nancy Amato

Siebel Center Room 2248 or via Zoom

Sunday, October 6

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Wednesday, October 9

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Friday, October 11

Postdoc Social Lunch

Postdoc Social Lunch

Welcome to our new Postdocs, and welcome back to returning Postdocs! We are resuming weekly lunch meetings with Professor Mohammed El-Kebir. They will be held every Friday from 12-1pm in the Faculty/Staff Lounge on the 4th floor (SC 4401), barring campus holidays and breaks. Pizza will be served at every meeting!

Siebel 4401

Office Hours w/ Department Head Nancy Amato

Office Hours w/ Department Head Nancy Amato

Siebel Center Room 2248 or via Zoom

Sunday, October 13

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Illinois CS Girls Who Code Club

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Illinois CS Sunday Coding Studio

Siebel Center for Computer Science

Monday, October 14

Final Defense of Yu Zhang

Final Defense of Yu Zhang

Wednesday, October 16

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

Director of Graduate Studies Office Hours

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

Coffee Hour with the Director of Graduate Studies

1218 Siebel Center for Computer Science