Cross-Cutting Educational Activities

We offer a number of cross-cutting Broadening Participation in Computing educational activities that serve all levels in our department and broader CS community. From workshops to thought-provoking speaker series, these opportunities help our CS community grow in their knowledge and understanding of broadening participation in computing within our school and beyond.

Engaging BPC and Research Experts.

Welcoming leading industry and research professionals.








Equity and Justice in Computing Conversations

This monthly conversation series features talks focused on research issues in computing, justice, and equity. Topics spotlight broad issues of equity and justice in tech and computing, as well computing research specifically centered on these issues.

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Speakers Series

The Speaker Series brings prominent leaders and experts to campus to share their ideas and promote conversations about important challenges and topics in the discipline. A broad array of speaker backgrounds, experience levels, and research interests provides a comprehensive variety of topics that serve all levels in the department.

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Learning and Growing.

Providing educational activities that serve all levels in our school and broader CS community.









Workshops and Institutes

  • The Siebel School of Computing and Data Science presents a variety of BPC-related workshops for faculty and school leadership. Our Career Development Workshops provide opportunities for students to prepare for careers in computing academia or industry. Learn more about our educational BPC conferences and workshops.
  • The school also hosts a variety of technical conferences and workshops benefiting the CS academic and research communities. 
  • The IDEA Institute at the Grainger College of Engineering supports scholarship, innovation, collaboration, and leadership in the areas of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access at all levels. Siebel School of Computing and Data Science faculty, staff, and students are active in the institute, and were integral to the Grainger College of Engineering Anti-Racism Task Force.

Courses for Students

  • Open to all Siebel School of Computing and Data Science students, the Professional Development Seminar course introduces students to a variety of career-oriented topics and current issues in computer science and assists them in planning and preparing for the next step in their career. 
  • Course Assistant Training is open to any student who is working as or interested in becoming a Course Assistant in the computer science department .