
Undergraduate Academics

Find information about our computer science undergraduate programs, from courses to advising, scholarships, and more.

Graduate Academics

Find information about our computer science graduate programs, assistantships, awards, and more.

Student Resources

The campus, college, and school offer a comprehensive network of student resources, from academic to general services, to health and wellness support.

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Five smiling students in matching grey shirts with arms around each other's shoulders on the Bardeen Quad.

Undergraduate Advising

The Academic Office, faculty mentors, and peer advisors comprise our three-tiered undergraduate advising approach. Together, we’re here to help make your experience at Illinois the best it can be.

Graduate Advising

The Graduate Academic Office, a guiding hand for graduate students, offers weekday assistance.

Featured Class: CS 498 VR - Virtual Reality

This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the fundamentals of VR and to gain practical experience. Because VR tricks our brains by presenting synthetic stimuli to our senses, it is extremely challenging to develop and analyze VR systems that are both effective and comfortable. To handle these issues, this course will fuse knowledge from various relevant topics, including computer graphics, tracking systems, and perceptual psychology.

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