Jane W.-S. Liu
2011 Distinguished Academic Achievement Alumni Award
Jane W.-S. Liu received her BSEE degree from Cleveland State University and her Sc.D. from MIT. She is currently a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of Institute of Information Science of Academia Sinica and Bill Benter Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Before joining Academia Sinica in 2004, she was a software architect in Microsoft Corporation from 2000 to 2004 and a faculty member of Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1972 to 2000.
Her research interests are in the areas of real-time and embedded systems. In addition to over 160 journal and conference publications, she has also published two text books, one on real-time systems and the other on signals and systems. Her recent research focuses on technologies for building user-centric automation and assistive devices and services and for disaster preparedness and response. While at Illinois, she advised over 30 Ph.D. and over 100 M.S. students. She continues to supervise graduate students in Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University and recently graduated her first Tsing Hua University Ph.D. student.
She received the Achievement and Leadership Award of IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems in 2005; Information Science Honorary Medal of Taiwan Institute of Information and Computing Machinery in 2008 and Linux Golden Penguin Award for special contributions of Taiwan Linux Consortium in 2009. She is a fellow of IEEE.