C.L. and Jane W.-S. Liu Award

Established by AVANT! Corporation in honor of Professors C. L. (Dave) Liu and Jane W-S. Liu, this award is given in support of a graduate student showing exceptional research promise relatively early in their graduate studies. Dave Liu is recognized as one of computer science's most prominent educators. As a researcher, he is best known for developing the rate-monotonic scheduling algorithm (1973), the theoretical basis of modern methods and tools for predicting the timing behavior of multiprogrammed real-time systems. Jane Liu is a renowned researcher in real-time systems. In 1993, she developed PERTS (Prototyping Environment for Real-Time Systems), a commercially successful system of analysis, validation, and simulation. Candidates for the award must have passed the qualifying exam.



Yasamin Tabatabaee

2022 Efthymios Tzinis
2021 Manling Li
2020 Gaurush Hiranandani
2019 Yunan Luo
2018 Sarah Christensen
2017 Monowar Hasan
2016 Sheng Wang
2015 Xiang Ren
2014 Shashank Agrawal
2013 Kai-Wei Chang
2012 Milos Gligoric
2011 Ian Endres
2010 Dan Goldwasser
2009 Yue Lu
2008 Praveen Jayachandran
2007 Qiaozhu Mei
2006 Anna Yershova
2005 Feng Chen
2004 Koushik Sen
2003 Shivani Agarwal
2002 Svetlana Lazebnik
2001 Alper Unger
2000 Dongyan Xu
1999 Kevin P. Cernekee