Dissertation Completion Fellowship

Dissertation Completion Fellowships are awarded by the Graduate College to help outstanding students complete the doctoral degree by providing a one-year stipend of $20,000, along with coverage of tuition, service fee, health service fee, AFMFA fee, Library fee, and basic dental and vision coverage. In addition, the Fellow will receive partial payment of the graduate student health insurance fee per semester. The number of awards offered will depend on the level of funding available.

The intent is to free Fellows from assistantships and other work obligations, allowing them to devote full-time to the completion of the dissertation. No concurrent assistantship appointment or employment of any kind is permitted with the Dissertation Completion Fellowship.

The criteria used in making the include the significance of the research, as reflected in the nominee’s proposal and the letters of support, the student's productivity and efficient progress toward the degree as shown in the academic record, and the likelihood that the student will defend and deposit the dissertation by August.


2023-2024 Yu Zhang
2022-2023 Xiaohong Chen
2019-2020 Yu-Chun (Grace) Yen
2014-2015 Benjamin Raichel
2013-2014 Kyle Fox
Roshanak Zilouchian
2011-2012 Joshua Hailpern
2009-2010 Nitish Korula
2008-2009 Deng Cai