Daniel L. Slotnick Scholarship

Professor Slotnick arrived here from Westinghouse Corporation. Some years earlier he worked at the von Neumann Computer project at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. He was Head of the ILLIAC IV project which, at the time (1965) was the fastest computer in the world! It had semiconductor memory and was the first outside of IBM to use circuit card design automation, ECL integrated circuits, and multilayer circuit boards on a large scale. Professor Slotnick was also a pioneer in the new concept of parallel computation. He was a Professor here in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science until his death in 1985. The Daniel L. Slotnick Scholarship was established by friends and colleagues for undergraduates based on academic merit, exceptional leadership qualities, and good citizenship.


2023 Joanna Huang
2022 Aaron Alberg
2021 Melissa Chen
2019 Ann Rajan
2018 Nathaniel Chapman
Matthew Rastovac
2017 No recipient
2016 Han Chen
2015 Brianna Ifft
2014 Cole Gleason
2013 Briana Chapman
2012 Sean Abraham
2011 Forrest Iandola
Jon Tedesco
2010 Cyrus Rashtchian
2009 Austine Lakayil