John R. Pasta Outstanding Undergraduate Award

Professor Pasta came to Illinois as a physicist from Los Alamos and the Atomic Energy Commission. He became head of the department in 1964, which was the same year that the Digital Computer Laboratory reorganized as the Department of Computer Science. Two John R. Pasta Outstanding Undergraduate Awards were established by friends and colleagues upon his death in 1981. The awards are presented to the outstanding juniors in our undergraduate programs. Winner selections are based on academic merit.



Ansh Sharma


Pengyue Jiang

2021 Ananya Yammanuru
Jiaqi Cao
2020 Annie Qiu
Xiangchen Song
2019 Jiacheng Liu
Jieyu Zhang
2018 Yuchen Li
Dachun Sun
2017 Paige Kordas
Qiwen Wang
2016 Tong Li
Chris Mathew
2015 Johanthan Pierce
Xuefeng Zhu
2014 Wei Chen
Robert Weber
2013 Sili Hui
Yerzhan Suleimenov
2012 Chi Zheng
Paul Bissonette
2011 Thapanapong Rukkanchanunt
Justin Kopinsky
2010 John Busch
Andrew Hsi
2009 Matthew Michelotti
Yuzuko Nakamura