Outstanding Course Assistants

Each semester, the department recognizes four to five outstanding course assistants. Winners are chosen based on recognition by faculty. These awards were established in Fall 2018 and have been generously funded by Siebel School of Computing and Data Science alumnae Scott Fisher (BS Psychology ’72, MS CS ’76). Click here to read more about Fisher's gift.


Fall 2022
Edwin Ing
Jackson Kennel
Nancy Jia
Victor Zhao
Spring 2022
Angie Samantha Cheng
Hania Dziurdzik

Rodrigo Barroso Loza

Fall 2021

Jareth Gomes
Nathan Park
Adarsh Suresh
Hang (Francis) Yu

Spring 2021

Hongxuan Chen
Harsh Deep
Ian Rudnick
Jason Xia
Lou Zeh

Fall 2020

Sami Alquadi
Melissa Chen
Nathan Park
Rohan Suresh
Sabrina Szul

Spring 2020

Rittika Abhikari
Nick Bellizzi
Josh Dunigan
Tamun Hanjra
Daniela Zieba

Fall 2019

Patrick Gallagher
Ben Nordick
Jackie Osborn
Natalia Ozymko
Pradyumna Shome

Spring 2019

Anna Buyevich
Allegra Domel
Shreyas Patil
Shantanu Tulshibagwale
Vivek Vaidya

Fall 2018 Eric Cao
Nathaniel Myren
Nicholas Nytki
Nathan Walters