Han Zhao

Han Zhao
Han Zhao
Assistant Professor
3320 Siebel Center for Comp Sci

For More Information


  • Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science, Tsinghua University, 2013
  • Master of Mathematics, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 2015
  • PhD, Machine Learning Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2020

Academic Positions

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 2021 - Present
  • Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 2021 - Present


Other Professional Employment

  • Long-Term Visitor, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, University of California Berkeley, August 2024 - December 2024

Research Interests

  • AI for Science: cosmology and geospatial science
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Google Research Scholar Award (2024)
  • AAAI New Faculty Highlights (2024 )
  • Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (2023)
  • Facebook Research Award (Statistics for Improving Insights, Models, and Decisions) (2021 )
  • Alumni Gold Medal Award, University of Waterloo. (2015)
  • Liu Jimin Scholarship, Tsinghua University. (2012)
  • Google Excellence Scholarship. (2012)

Teaching Honors

  • Teacher Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois (2021-2023 )

Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 442 - Trustworthy Machine Learning
  • CS 446 (ECE 449) - Machine Learning
  • CS 498 ML3 (CS 498 MLG, CS 498 MLU) - Trustworthy ML
  • CS 591 MLR - Machine Learning Reading Grp
  • CS 591 MLR - ML Reading Group
  • CS 598 HAZ (CS 598 HOF) - Transfer Learning