H Chad Lane

H Chad Lane
H Chad Lane
Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
240 Education Building

For More Information

Recent Courses Taught

  • CI 210 - Intro to Digital Learning Env
  • CS 498 CL1 (CS 498 CL2) - AI Applications in Education
  • EPSY 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar
  • EPSY 490 - Educational Game Research
  • EPSY 490 - Educational Games Research ONL
  • EPSY 490 - Educational Games Research UG
  • EPSY 490 - Educational Games Research UGO
  • EPSY 490 - Learning in Everyday Contexts
  • EPSY 490 (GSD 490) - Educational Games Research
  • EPSY 590 - Cog Science of Teaching & Lear
  • EPSY 590 - CSTL Division Brownbag
  • EPSY 590 - Generative AI in Education
  • EPSY 590 - The Science of Interest
  • EPSY 590 (INFO 590) - Mobile Apps
  • EPSY 590 (INFO 590) - Mobile Apps Online
  • INFO 590 (EPSY 590) - Mobile Apps for Teaching