Marco Caccamo

Marco Caccamo
Marco Caccamo
Adjunct Professor

For More Information

Research Interests

  • In broad terms, his research interests are centered on the area of embedded systems. He has worked in close collaboration with avionics, farming, and automotive industries developing innovative software architectures and toolkits for the design automation of embedded digital controllers, and low-level resource management solutions for real-time operating systems running on multicore architectures. More recently, he has begun to investigate real-time, security, and robustness problems in the software architecture of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Research Areas

Selected Articles in Journals

  • L. Sha, M. Caccamo, R. Mancuso, J.-E. Kim, M.-K. Yoon, R. Pellizzoni, H. Yun, R. Kegley, D. Perlman, G. Arundale, R. Bradford., "Real-Time Computing on Multicore Processors", IEEE Computer, September 2016.
  • H. Yun, G. Yao, R. Pellizzoni, M. Caccamo, L. Sha, "Memory bandwidth management for efficient performance isolation in multi-core platforms", IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), Vol. 65, Issue 2, February 2016. (Featured by IEEE TC as Paper of the month and Editor's pick of the year 2016)

Journal Editorships

  • Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), 2017-19

Conferences Organized or Chaired

  • Second TCRTS Workshop on Certifiable Multicore Avionics and Automotive Systems (CMAAS'17). See
  • IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'16) General Chair
  • IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'15) Program Chair
  • IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'11) General Chair
  • CPSWeek 2011 General Chair. See (7 workshops, 2 tutorials, 5 conferences)
  • IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS'10) Program Chair

Research Honors

  • IEEE Fellow, "For contributions to the theory and applications of hard real-time multicore computing", 2018