Ryan Matthew Cunningham

Ryan Matthew Cunningham
Ryan Matthew Cunningham
2211 Siebel Center for Comp Sci

Resident Instruction

  • Cybersecurity For Law and Policy Students UT Austin School of Law (Fall 19)
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response for Law and Policy Students UT Austin School of Law (Spring 20, 21, 22)

Course Development

  • Cybersecurity For Law and Policy Students (UT Austin School of Law)
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response for Law and Policy Students (UT Austin School of Law)
  • CS498 RC Law and Policy Issues in Computer Science
  • CS211 Ethical & Professional Conduct

Research Interests

  • Law and Policy Issues
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response
  • Computer Security
  • Machine Learning

Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 210 - Ethical & Professional Issues
  • CS 211 EA1 (CS 211 EPC) - Ethical & Professional Conduct
  • CS 461 (ECE 422) - Computer Security I
  • CS 498 RC1 (CS 498 RC2, CS 498 RCG, CS 498 RCU) - Law &Policy Issues in CS
  • INFO 102 (CS 102) - Little Bits to Big Ideas

News Notes