Adam Bates

 Adam Bates
Adam Bates
Associate Professor
(217) 300-4653
4306 Siebel Center for Comp Sci

For More Information


  •  Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Florida, 2016. Thesis: "Designing and Leveraging Trustworthy Provenance-Aware Systems." Advisor: Kevin Butler
  •  M.Sc, Computer Science, University of Oregon, 2012. Thesis: "Detecting Compute Cloud Co-residency with Network Flow Watermarking Techniques." Advisor: Kevin Butler
  •  B.Sc., Computer Science, University of Maryland, 2006.

Research Interests

  • Threat Detection, Investigation, & Response
  • Systems Security
  • System Auditing, Data Provenance
  • IoT/Mobile Security & Privacy
  • Network & Communications Security

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Research Honors

  • ACM SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award Runner-Up (11/02/2017)

Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 423 (CSE 423) - Operating Systems Design
  • CS 461 (ECE 422) - Computer Security I
  • CS 563 (ECE 524) - Advanced Computer Security
  • CS 591 SP - Security and Privacy
  • CS 598 AB - Endpt Threat Detect. & Invest.
  • CS 598 OSS - Operating System Security