CS 100

CS 100 - Computer Science Orientation

Fall 2024

Computer Science OrientationCS100AL130094LEC11500 - 1550 F  THEAT Lincoln Hall Eric Shaffer

Official Description

Introduction to Computer Science as a field and career for incoming first year and external transfer students in the computer science majors. Overview of the field and specific examples of problem areas and methods of solution.

Course Director



Learning Goals

Know where to go for help with health issues

Know some of the main RSO's associated with comuter science

Know some of the main topics taught and researched in each of the department's areas

Recognize the need for respect for the diverse needs of fellow classmates (4)

Know at some types of jobs a student with a CS+X degree would be suited to do.

Topic List

Overview of programs in the Department, College and University that they can use for extra help

Opportuinites to enrich the CS degree and make progress towards a career

Introduction to the areas in CS covered in our departement, the courses and research associated with those areas

Introduction to the overlap of CS and the research done in our partner depratments inthe CS+X program

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective


Last updated

2/17/2019by Elsa Gunter