CS 465

CS 465 - User Interface Design

Fall 2024

User Interface DesignCS465AD167943LBD00930 - 1050 F  209 Huff Hall Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AD267945LBD01100 - 1220 F  209 Huff Hall Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AD367946LBD01230 - 1350 F  209 Huff Hall Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AD467944LBD01400 - 1520 F  209 Huff Hall Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AD576292LBD01100 - 1220 F  2018 Campus Instructional Facility Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AD667948LBD01530 - 1650 F  3117 Everitt Laboratory Brian P Bailey
User Interface Design StudioCS465AD769398LBD01400 - 1520 F  3117 Everitt Laboratory Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AEG72163LCD40930 - 1045 M W  1320 Digital Computer Laboratory Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465AEU43389LCD40930 - 1045 M W  1320 Digital Computer Laboratory Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465CSP70496PKG41100 - 1230 F  ARR Illini Center Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465CSP70496PKG4 -    Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465MCS67949PKG41100 - 1230 F  ARR Illini Center Brian P Bailey
User Interface DesignCS465MCS67949PKG4 -    Brian P Bailey

Official Description

A project-focused course covering fundamental principles of user interface design, implementation, and evaluation. Small teams work on a term-long project that involves: analysis of the problem domain, user skills, and tasks; iterative prototyping of interfaces to address user needs; conducting several forms of evaluation such as cognitive walkthroughs and usability tests; implementation of the final prototype. Non-technical majors may enroll as non-programmers who participate in all aspects of the projects with the possible exception of implementation. Course Information: 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: CS 225.

Course Director


The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman and Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd Ed., by Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd and Russell Beale

Learning Goals

Identify, prioritize, and correct usability problems with an interactive system. (1)
Apply theories of human abilities to assess the design of an interactive system. (1)
Plan and execute user research to generate user requirements for the design of an interactive system. (2)
Construct a low-fidelity prototype that represents a design concept. (1), (2)
Implement an interactive system using an event-driven programming model. (6)
Plan and deliver a presentation of a design proposal. (3)
Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. (5)

Topic List

Human abilities and limitations
User research methods
Prototyping techniques
User interface tools and toolkits
Discount usability techniques
Empirical user studies

Assessment and Revisions

Revisions in last 6 years Approximately when revision was done Reason for revision
Added lectures on color, composition, and typography fall 2011 Observed weakness in semester design projects
Added lecture on the use of statistics for assessing designs fall 2010 Topic increasingly important for data-driven design processes

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective

Selected Elective.

Last updated

1/29/2019by Brian P. Bailey