CS 491 CAP

CS 491 CAP - Adv Competitive Algorithm Prog

Fall 2024

Adv Competitive Algorithm ProgCS491CAP65816LAB31530 - 1620 M W F  31 Psychology Building Mattox Beckman

Official Description

Seminar on topics of current interest as announced in the Class Schedule. Course Information: 0 to 4 undergraduate hours. 0 to 4 graduate hours. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary to a maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite: As specified for each topic offering, see Class Schedule or departmental course description.

Section Description

Title: Introduction to Competitive Algorithmic Programming This course introduces the algorithms and concepts necessary to compete effectively in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and similar contests. It is highly recommended for students intending to compete in the 2016 ICPC Mid-Central Regional contest. The course requires participation in practice contests and weekly completion of short problem sets. Topics covered include standard library classes and data structures useful for programming contest problems, basic complexity analysis, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, number theory, combinatorics, computational geometry, combinatorial games, and competitive programming contest strategy. https://uiuc-cs491cap.netlify.app/ Prerequisites: Must have programming competency in Java or C++ and preferably have taken CS 225 Data Structures.