CS 199

CS 199 - Applied Cloud Computing

Fall 2024

CS 124 CA TrainingCS1991270754E121 -    Geoffrey Werner Challen
Supplementary Proj for CS 124CS19912467084E60 -    Geoffrey Werner Challen
Supplementary Proj for CS 128CS19912856131E40 -    Michael Nowak
Pedagogy PracticumCS19919669687E31 -    Geoffrey Werner Challen
Supplementary Proj for CS 225CS19922540944LAB01700 - 1750 M  0216 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Brad R Solomon
Supplementary Proj for CS 233CS19923370755L101600 - 1650 W  0220 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Saugata Ghose
Supplementary proj for CS 341CS19934169688E1001900 - 2050 T    Lawrence Angrave
CA TrainingCS199CAO63523E51 -    Colleen M. Lewis
Technology and SocietyCS199SOC55187DIS21400 - 1530 F  1214 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Geoffrey Werner Challen
CS Stars SeminarCS199STR31511L311700 - 1800 W  ARR Siebel Center for Comp Sci  Nancy M. Amato
Data StructuresCS225AH75824LAB01700 - 1750 M  0216 Siebel Center for Comp Sci 

Official Description

Topics vary. Course Information: Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.