CS 374

CS 374 - Intro to Algs & Models of Comp

Fall 2018

Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADA66446DIS00900 - 0950 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADB66447DIS01000 - 1050 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADC66448DIS01100 - 1150 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADD66449DIS01200 - 1250 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADE66450DIS01300 - 1350 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADF66451DIS01300 - 1350 W F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADG66452DIS01400 - 1450 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADH66453DIS01400 - 1450 W F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADJ66454DIS01500 - 1550 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374ADK66455DIS01500 - 1550 W F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374AL166445LEC41100 - 1215 T R  1002 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374BL170641LEC41230 - 1345 T R  1310 Digital Computer Laboratory Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374BYA70643DIS01200 - 1250 W F  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374BYB70644DIS01300 - 1350 W F  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompCS374BYC70645DIS01400 - 1450 W F  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADA66543DIS00900 - 0950 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADB66544DIS01000 - 1050 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADC66545DIS01100 - 1150 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADD66546DIS01200 - 1250 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADE66547DIS01300 - 1350 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADF66548DIS01300 - 1350 W F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADG66549DIS01400 - 1450 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADH66550DIS01400 - 1450 W F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADJ66552DIS01500 - 1550 W F  1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374ADK66553DIS01500 - 1550 W F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374AL166542LEC41100 - 1215 T R  1002 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Chandra Chekuri
Nikita Borisov
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374BL170642LEC41230 - 1345 T R  1310 Digital Computer Laboratory Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374BYA70647DIS01200 - 1250 W F  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374BYB70648DIS01300 - 1350 W F  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri
Intro to Algs & Models of CompECE374BYC70649DIS01400 - 1450 W F  3081 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Nikita Borisov
Chandra Chekuri

Official Description

Analysis of algorithms, major paradigms of algorithm design including recursive algorithms, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and graph algorithms. Formal models of computation including finite automata and Turing machines. Limitations of computation arising from fundamental notions of algorithm and from complexity-theoretic constraints. Reductions, undecidability and NP-completeness. Course Information: Same as ECE 374. Prerequisite: CS 225; MATH 225 or MATH 415.

Learning Goals

Be able to design regular expressions, finite automata or conftext free languages from a given language specification . (1), (3), (6)
Be able to prove that a given language is not regular (3)(6)
Be able to analyze the asymptotic running time of an algorithm via sums and recurrences (3)(6)
Model an algorithmic problems via graphs and apply appropriate graph algorithm to yield a solution (1)(3)(6)
Given problem specification, design efficient algorithms via techniques such as recursion, divide and conquer, dynamic programming and greedy (1)(3)(6)
Be able to prove the correctness of an algorithm by induction or via reductions (3)(6)
Prove NP-hardness via polynomial-time reductions from known NP-hard problems (3)(6)
Prove a language undecidable via reduction from known undecidable problems such as Halting. (3)(6)

Topic List


  • Strings and languages
  • Finite automata (DFA, NFA) and regular expressions
  • Context free grammars and languages


  • Recursion, Divide and conquer, Backtracking
  • Dynamic programming
  • Greedy
  • Basic graph algorithms: reachability, BFS, DFS, shortest paths, MST, modeling via graphs

NP Completness

  • Polynomial-time reductions, P, NP, NP-Complete, NP-Hard

Turing Machines (TMs)

  • Universal TM, RAM, decidability, undecidability, Church-Turing thesis

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective


Last updated

3/26/2019by Elsa Gunter