CS 598 JGE

CS 598 JGE - Advanced Data Structures

Spring 2025

Advanced Data StructuresCS598JGE43808S641530 - 1645 T R  3038 Campus Instructional Facility Jeff Erickson

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in computer science intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Section Description

Topic: Advanced Data Structures This course will survey important developments in data structures that go beyond the typical undergraduate computer science curriculum. Potential topics include: balanced search trees, priority queues (e.g., Fibonacci heaps), amortized analysis, the union-find problem, hashing, geometric data structures (e.g., range searching), approximate nearest neighbor search (e.g., locality-sensitive hashing), bit-packing techniques (e.g., fusion trees and succinct data structures), persistent data structures, dynamic graph algorithms (e.g., dynamic connectivity and shortest paths), distance oracles, strings and text indexing (e.g., suffix trees), I/O-efficient data structures, and (conditional) lower bounds. The precise topics will depend on the interests and background of the course participants. Prerequisites: Students in all areas of computer science and related disciplines are welcome, including algorithmically mature undergraduates. An undergraduate algorith

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