OPT Training Process

Primary Contact: Jennifer Comstock

Note: If Jennifer Comstock is not available, either Viveka Kudaligama or Kara MacGregor can assist in her absence.

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is for graduate students who are on an F-1 visa and wish to complete one year of practical on the job training after graduation. In order to start the OPT training paperwork, students must follow the steps below.

  1. Review information available at the International Student Services (ISSS) Office OPT website.
  2. Submit the OPT request through the ISSS electronic portal (iStart e-form). 
    • Select "Siebel School of Computing and Data Science  - Graduate Advising (all graduate)" as the contact person. 
  3. The CS Academic Office serves as the "Official Advisor" when it comes to applying for OPT training. The Academic Office will
    • Verify student has the degree requirements.
    • Indicate the student's anticipated graduation date.
    • Sign the form.

It is recommended that students plan at least 90 days in advance when applying for OPT training.

Graduate Academic Office Contact Information

Siebel School of Computing and Data Science

Graduate Academic Office / University of Illinois
201 North Goodwin, 1312 Siebel Center
Urbana, IL 61801
Campus Mail Code: MC-258
Phone: (217) 333-4428
Fax: (217) 244-6073
Email: grad@siebelschool.illinois.edu

Monday – Friday

  • Morning: 8:00 AM to 11:45 AM
  • Afternoon: 1:00 PM to 4:45 PM
  • Walk-in advising hours start at 10:00 AM

List of Graduate Advising Contacts and Virtual Advising Queue