Nate Grace

Nate Grace
Nate Grace

Nate Grace

Years of professional experience?

Year that you started the iCAN program

  • 2022

What was your major and background?

Research/Engagement Experience

What are your interests within computer science?
Initially it was data science because it builds on my existing experience. However I have also recently become interested in security, so I am exploring both options.

Project Title

How did you get interested in Computer Science?
Most of my career has centered around managing data/analytics through databases and other existing software. This seemed like the best way to advance my skillset and allow me the freedom to do more that just use existing tools.

What social interests matter to you?
Mass surveillance and collection of data, especially as breaches are becoming commonplace.

What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
Sometimes when we first cover a topic it can seem intimidating, but with the help of the instructors and other students each one begins to make sense. There is a continuous experience of overcoming challenges.

What are your hobbies/outside interests?
Camping, biking, role playing/video games, playing with my cat.

Where are you from?