Peter Florido
Years of professional experience?
Year that you started the iCAN program
What was your major and background?
B.S. Mathematics, Secondary Education Minor; M.S. Mathematics; Former Math and CS High School Teacher
Research/Engagement Experience
What are your interests within computer science?
Software Development, Data Science and Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity
How did you get interested in Computer Science?
It all began in the Spring of 2013 when I took my first CS class (CS 125) at UIUC as an undergrad. I loved it so much I started working towards a minor is CS, but was unable to finish due to being busy with other priorities. After graduating, I became a math teacher at a high school. After my first year I was asked if I was interested in teaching CS, which I gladly took on the opportunity. As I taught myself more, I fell more and more in love with CS so much to where I wanted to do more than just teach it. So I left my career in teaching to start taking steps to pursue a career centered around computing.
What social interests matter to you?
The social interests that matter to me are the social inequities that continue to persist in society, especially the ones revolving around education, race, and socioeconomic status.
What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
The most impactful thing about the iCAN experience has been feeling a part of such a caring community. Not only has my cohort been the absolute best to get to know and interact with, but also the professors, TAs, and advisor. Everyone is invested in each other's development and offers support when someone needs it. This community has helped me build so much confidence, allowing me to challenge myself to reach newer highs. This program has pushed the lingering imposter syndrome aside and has reinforced in me that “iCAN.”
What are your hobbies/outside interests?
Playing video games and board games, eating, spending time with family and friends, teaching, and learning new things!
Where are you from?
Bloomingdale, IL