Daniel Victor Valentine

Daniel Victor Valentine
Daniel Victor Valentine

Daniel Victor Valentine

Years of professional experience?

Year that you started the iCAN program

  • 2023

What was your major and background?
Supply Chain Management, Hoeft Technology and Management, PWC tech consultant

Research/Engagement Experience

What are your interests within computer science?
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and digital marketing

Project Title

How did you get interested in Computer Science?
I was always interested in computer science but after a bad experience in high school i shied away from attempting more computer science classes. After my experience working as a tech consultant I wanted to challenge myself futher and pursue a field I was interested in and never thought I could learn.

What social interests matter to you?
I find myself interested in helping more people discover the beauty of computing. Likewise, as someone with a Ukrainian background the war is something I cannot avoid.

What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
My most impactful iCAN experience has been getting to know my classmates and working together with the on group projects. Seeing how all of us in the cohort approach problems differently has accelerated my understanding of computing.

What are your hobbies/outside interests?
Soccer, lifting, house music, comedy

Where are you from?
Buffalo Grove, IL