Wanli Zhou

Wanli Zhou
Wanli Zhou

Wanli Zhou

Years of professional experience?

Year that you started the iCAN program

  • 2023

What was your major and background?
I have an academic background in Linguistics and Localization. After receiving an MA in Localization from Middlebury Institute of International Studies, I worked in marketing and business in the tech industry.

Research/Engagement Experience

What are your interests within computer science?
AI, distributed systems, and blockchain.

Project Title

How did you get interested in Computer Science?
I have always been interested in automation. During my MA, I learned how Python can greatly improve the efficiency of localization workflows. Later in my work in video games and blockchain, I am also impressed by how scalable the same service can become after being built into a software. These exposures all intrigued me to dive deeper into how computer science can enhance productivity and shape the human life for the better.

What social interests matter to you?
High-quality affordable education.

What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
I'm most impacted by the community that iCAN offers throughout the program. We have a strong community that hosts group discussions in and out of classes, Discord channels for study and life, and projects that require close collaborations between fellow students. The iCAN community gives me a strong sense of belonging, and drives me to learn from others and share my insights.

What are your hobbies/outside interests?
Exploring new cultures through studying new languages and traveling across the globe.

Where are you from?
Jiaxing, China