Soha Huq
Soha Huq
Years of professional experience?
Year that you started the iCAN program
- 2023
What was your major and background?
I majored in business management with a concentration in HR, and I have worked in pension and actuarial science.
Research/Engagement Experience
What are your interests within computer science?
I am intrigued by how diverse computer science is, and I would like to use the discipline in UX/UI design, though I am also open to other design industries made possible thanks to programming.
Project Title
How did you get interested in Computer Science?
Initially, I simply wanted to be a part of a learning environment that would impart me with more tangible and technical skills than the ones I already acquired. I was looking for a way to diversify my portfolio, allowing me greater opportunities to both work and travel. However, I have learned so much more about the various branches of computer science, from education, to data science, to visuals-- beyond the narrow scope I had constructed for the field.
What social interests matter to you?
Social egalitarianism-- this encompasses combatting racism and gender inequality. Computer science employs people across the human spectrum, though one may not notice that, based on superficial imagery of the field. I am also deeply invested in environmentalism. While computer science has not always aligned with efforts to ameliorate the natural world, I believe the discipline can still be wielded as a tool to project forecasts, depict visualizations, and convey urgency in addressing this global issue.
What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
Getting to work on increasingly more nuanced assignments and concepts. The final project in the programming course truly tested my knowledge over the year. I had an interesting time structuring my code, based on the algorithms I've studied and the design principles practiced. While that project did include innumerable hours of stressing about the encroaching deadline, I still had fun working on a complicated project and took pride in the outcome.
What are your hobbies/outside interests?
I am a voracious reader, frequent baker, and avid biker, outside of the classroom. I can happily spend hours perusing the shelves of libraries and bookstores (one of those is better for my wallet than the other). I also love to labor over whatever confectionary recipe or bike trail I've discovered (and one of those is better for my health than the other)!
Where are you from?
I am from Illinois, in the Greater Chicago area.