Qizheng Mao

Qizheng Mao
Qizheng Mao

Qizheng Mao

Years of professional experience?

Year that you started the iCAN program

  • 2023

What was your major and background?
Computer Graphics Tech

Research/Engagement Experience

What are your interests within computer science?
Cryptography, distributed systems, operating systems

Project Title

How did you get interested in Computer Science?
I tried many things, but only programming can occupy my mind without becoming boring.

What social interests matter to you?
Since my background is in blockchain, I'd say creating a system that gives the power back to the society is something that matter to me. The modern tech giants are holding immense power, and sometimes this power can be misused against the society (e.g. user data collection and selling). I want to help create something that's for the interests of the society.

What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
Learning the fundamental theory such as propositional logic, counting techniques, and probability are the most impactful to my career and life. The experience of learning programming languages and interpreters in the summer term also widened my view of what computer scientists do significantly.

What are your hobbies/outside interests?
Gaming, guitar playing, cycling, body building.

Where are you from?
Shanhai, China