Marielle Derocher

Marielle Derocher
Marielle Derocher

Marielle Derocher

Years of professional experience?
Approximately one, if you count some short contract jobs as professional experience.

Year that you started the iCAN program

  • 2023

What was your major and background?
BFA in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts from the University of Washington

Research/Engagement Experience

What are your interests within computer science?
User experience, tool design, automation, computer generated imagery and animation, game design, virtual reality.

Project Title

How did you get interested in Computer Science?
Growing up in a family of engineers, I was immersed in a world of experimenting with technology and logical problem solving. I also had an intense passion for art and storytelling, nurturing a desire to explore the realms of creativity. This duality left me torn between engineering and the arts when I tried to envision my future career. It was a high school elective class about CGI production that introduced me to a fusion of computing and artistry that resonated deeply with me. Since then, I have been striving to explore the transformative power of computing in crafting captivating narratives and visually stunning worlds. Unfortunately, I found that my lack of academic credentials and the unstructured nature of my learning made it too difficult to break into the industry, so I decided to return to school and obtain both the foundational skills and the credentials that I need to pursue my career.

What social interests matter to you?
I want to foster connection and understanding between people. In my experience, the sharing of stories is how we can overcome differences and solve our problems together, and the more perspectives we are exposed to, the more empathetic and kind we can all be. Due to my own struggles, I am particularly invested in broadening people’s understanding of the experience of LGBT people and people struggling with mental illness or chronic disabilities. I’ve seen how sharing stories regarding these issues can prompt important discussions and meaningful change, and it is my goal to provide opportunities for that within my personal and professional life.

What is your most impactful iCAN experience?
Professor Williams spent some time in class talking to us about how some of us were there because we had been unsuccessful so far in trying to pursue computer science through other means. She told us that our struggles from before did not define our future, and that the obstacles that we had encountered previously did not mean that we could not succeed in our computing goals. Our commitment to the iCAN program was evidence of how we were still trying and growing and improving. I came into the iCAN program still harboring a lot of shame over how I couldn’t get a computer science degree from my previous university and that my attempts to break into the industry through other means hadn’t worked. Her reassurance that I had not failed yet and the reminder that other people feel similarly to me was something I really needed to hear. Throughout my time in iCAN, the professors, TAs, and even non-iCAN faculty repeated this message to us and shared their stories of overcoming struggles, and it made me feel like it was possible to achieve my dreams.

What are your hobbies/outside interests?
I love consuming media (books, videogames, shows) and creating media (writing, animating, doing game jams). I also find myself doing a lot of physical crafting like felting cute critters. I spend lots of time with my friends and with my local creative community - I love meeting new people with different creative abilities and learning about the things that they do. I also sing with a choir, since I love the feeling of creating music alongside other people.

Where are you from?
Portland, Oregon, USA!