Anisha Jog
Anisha Jog
Year in School
Year of Participation in STARS
- Fall 2024
Research Interests
Computer Graphics and Vision
Research Mentor
Eric Shaffer
Research/Engagement Experience
Undergraduate academic year research experience
Computer Graphics and Vision
Project Title
How did I get interested in Computer Science?
I was always fascinated by how anything digital was put together, from video games I played to websites I used regularly. I took some online programming classes in middle school and enjoyed them, but it wasn't until I started robotics in high school that I realized I really like computer science. I approached it as a fun puzzle, and I wanted to keep learning about its applications and intersections with other fields.
What social interests matter to me?
I think it is important to expand inclusion and ease of access to quality-of-life improvements using technology. We develop more and more fascinating concepts and abilities each day to be able to help the everyday individual around the world, and I want not only for this environment to be welcoming to all but also for what we create to be available to anyone who is in need of it. Whether through educational tools, policy, or accessible spaces, new technology should be for everyone.
What is my most impactful college experience?
Joining an improv comedy team for sure! I'd never done improv before but had seen some improv games, and I decided it would be fun to give it a shot. It paid off since I made the team, and it remains one of my best decisions to date! Practicing and performing improv scenes has made me much more confident both socially and professionally, and I have found a wonderful little family in my team.
These are a few of my favorite things!
Cats, writing, rock music, and art, all of which help the world go 'round.
Research Description
Anisha Jog is a senior studying Computer Science. Growing up in the New Jersey suburbs, the peace and quiet was so much for her that she started a robotics team in her basement to keep her parents up at all hours of the night. She loves to experiment with different applications, no matter how great or goofy, and some hobby projects include website templates for fake businesses, text adventures, 2D and 3D games, 3D modeling, and a sassy chatbot. In her spare time, she loves to read, write, draw, and play video games, and she runs her own short fiction blog on Wordpress.