Rimma Berezhnaia
Rimma Berezhnaia
Year in School
Mathematics and CS
Year of Participation in STARS
- Fall 2024
Research Interests
Programming Languages, Formal Methods, and Software Engineering
Research Mentor
Arindam Banerjee
Research/Engagement Experience
Quantum Computing, Programming Languages
Project Title
How did I get interested in Computer Science?
Growing up I remember computers and technology growing in popularity and becoming more advanced very fast. That made me constantly curious about them, and I still want to learn every detail of how they work.
What social interests matter to me?
Accessible health care and education for everyone along with decreasing unemployment and raising wages.
What is my most impactful college experience?
I was going into my first office hours for my first college CS class, very scared of how it will go. Will I get the help I need? What if I am too scared to ask a question? What if they think I'm stupid? Overthinking and sweating for no reason, I got so much needed help, beyond what I expected. Leaving the office hours, I had a way better understanding of what I was doing, no longer stressing about my project, and most importantly not scared to ask for help.
These are a few of my favorite things!
Painting my nails, seeing my friends, cats, nature, nature, nature!
Research Description
I am a sophomore in Math and Computer Science. I am originally from Russia and then moved to the United States. This is going to be my first year in the CS STARS program, and I am excited to learn many new things and see what opportunities await me. I plan to check more physically active clubs, such as climbing club or a sports club.