Alumni News Archive
Prior to the establishment of Click! magazine, CS published its Alumni News on a irregular basis. Below are links to PDFs of these issues. In addition, we have listed some selected content highlights from each issue to give you a taste of what is contained in each issue.
2009 Spring
- Alumnus Bill Schaeffer releases a CD of music he composed on the PLATO system.
- David Forsyth and Jiawei Han received IEEE honors
- Building an automated writing assistant
- Universal Parallel Computing Research Center, an joint research venture with Microsoft and Intel, was launched.
2008 Spring
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jennifer Hou named IEEE Fellows
- David Padua named an ACM Fellow
- Alumnus Tom Siebel pledged $100 million to the university to support collaborative work to address major problems and opportunities facing humankind
2007 Spring
- Marianne Winslett named an ACM Fellow
- Marc Snir named an AAAS Fellow
- Lui Sha invested as Donald B. Gillies Chair in Computer Science
- Department of Homeland Security grant established the Multimodal Information Access and Synthesis (MIAS) Center at Illinois
- "House of Imagination" and "Bench of Opportunity" sculptures added to Siebel Center grounds
2006 Winter
- Yuanyuan Zhou received an IBM Faculty Award, a DOE Early Career Principal Investigator Award, and the Anita Borg Career Award.
- Sarita Adve received an IBM Faculty Award
- ChengXiang Zhai received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).
- Indy Gupta, Grigore Rosu, and Mahesh Viswahathan received NSF CAREER Awards.
- CS student Anthony Cozzie won the 13th Word Computer Chess Championship
2004 Fall
- Siebel Center Grand Opening
- Roy Campbell invested as first Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Professor in Computer Science
- New Programs strengthen ties with industry and alumni
2003 Fall
- Siebel Center dedication slated for spring
- CS celebrates three faculty investitures (Michael Heath, Klara Nahrstedt, and Marc Snir)
- Revised undergraduate curriculum
- Senior projects: real-life experience
2003 Winter
- Ethics and professionalism in computing
- Siebel Center construction photos
- CS summer camps a success
2002 Summer
- Prof. Saburo Muroga retires.
- Steve Sullivan (PhD ECE '96) spoke on campus on computer vision.
- Historical marker placed in front of west doors of DCL.
- Crowds take CS challenge at EOH
2001 Winter (Vol. 2 No. 7)
- Marc Snir becomes 8th head of the department
- Kubitz, Ray, and Saylor retire
- Tom Siebel receives Presidential Award and Medallion
2001 Summer
- Gear receives Alumni Achievement Award from UIAA
- Reed steps down as department head
- Alumnus Andy Yao wins Turing Award
2001 Winter / January (Vol. 2 No. 4)
- Abbasis endow professorship and fellowship
- First IMCS graduates attend commencement
- Max Levchin and Luke Nosek: Pals and PayPals
- Hughes endows software engineering award
- Olympian Karen Kurreck (BS '84)
2000 Summer
- Tom Siebel's $32 million gift to the department for the Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science announced.
- Department Head Dan Reed takes over the helm of the National Computational Science Alliance.
- Geneva Belford recalls her student, Tom Siebel.
- Siebel Scholars program established.
1999 Winter
- Establishment of White Chair, Muroga Professorship, and Cheng Fellowship
- "The New World of Internet Education"
- Professor Mike Faiman retires
- UIUC trio makes Wall Street Journal
1999 Spring
- Lecture to honor Mueller-Thuns
- Josh Baer's journey from art to CS and back
- Jim Oberweis: Specialist in extraordinarily rapidly growing companies
1998 Fall
- MCS degree online: First time is in India
- Farewell to outgoing faculty Dave Liu, Duncan Lawrie, George Friedman, Andrew Chien, Sharad Mehrotra, and Caroline Hayes
- Supercomputing legend Steve Chen
- Brian Totty: Software adventurer extraordinaire
1997 Winter
- Department welcomes new faculty members Shang-Hua Teng and Dan Roth
- Tom Siebel leads Siebel Systems
- Sohaib Abbasi at Oracle
- Two California VCs from DCL: David E. Gold and E. David Crockett
- Jeff Glickman investigates Bigfoot
- ACM hosts third annual fall conference
1997 Summer
- Cyberfest a spectacular hit
- Ozzie wins COE Alumni Award
- Computer Science Cyberfest Forum
- Deep Blue wins: A triumph for Joe Hoane
- Student spotlight: Knights of St. Pat honorees Jennifer Mozen and Keith Wessel
1996 Winter
- Cyberfest preview
- A conversatin with Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++
- Vosaic: With a V for video
- Mike Heath heads CSE program
- Alpha Shapes: Herbert Edelsbrunner and Ping Fu open visual doors to the unknown
- Reingold and Dershowitz create a Digital Calendar Library
- Eric Bina on life at Netscape
1996 Spring
- Dan Reed succeeds Duncan Lawrie as head
- Tim Krauskopf and Spyglass keep local ties
- A conversation with Mark Tolliver of Sun
- DCL Library moves to Grainger
- Joe Hoane and Deep Blue
- A look at the history of ACM at Illinois
- Mary Jane Irwin: From ACM student to ACM Fellow
1995 Spring
- Results of undergrad curriculum survey
- The newCS curriculum
- Greg Chesson: Godfather of networking
- Fontaine Richardson: from land of corn to codfish
- Richard Cheng finds success with ECI
- Maurice Wilkes: A pioneer returns to Illinois
- First Charm School held October 1994
1994 Winter
- Illinois's Boys Make Noise: Three alumni companies that are developing Mosaic
- Japanese alumni share their stories
1994 Spring
- Alumni Board works to establish infrastructure
- Steve Dorner's Eudora: "Bringing the post office to where you live"
- Ed Krol and The Whole Internet
- Dave Liu receives top IEEE and ACM honors
- The Foundation, the Aumni Association: What's the difference?