CS @ ILLINOIS has one of the top-ranked graduate computer science programs in the country, according to USNews
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CS @ ILLINOIS has one of the top-ranked graduate computer science programs in the country, according to the annual survey by U.S. News and World Report.
Graduate programs in Computer Science were last ranked in 2010. Illinois moved ahead of Cornell this year, to claim sole ownership of the #5 ranking.
Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science
“It is no secret to those of us who are here that this is one of the top departments in the country,” said CS Department Head Rob A. Rutenbar. “Day in and day out, the innovations and advances made by our faculty and students make us all proud to be part of this department. Nevertheless, it is very gratifying to see our excellence acknowledged by others.”
The College of Engineering’s overall graduate program was ranked 6th this year.
Rankings for individual Illinois College of Engineering departments in the Top 10: