The Department of Computer Science welcomes six new faculty members.
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This fall, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign welcomes six new faculty members.
Top: Paul Fischer (left) and William Kramer. Middle: Ranjitha Kumar and Aditya Parameswaran, Bottom: Hari Sundaram and Tandy Warnow.
With expertise in such varied areas as crowdsourcing, fluid dynamics, bioengineering, and advertising, these new faculty members bring a depth of understanding of computer science and how it can have impact in a wide variety of human endeavors.
We invite you to learn more about these new faculty and how their research will have impact in the field of computer science and to society at large.
- Paul Fischer is an expert on computing and fluid dynamics simulation.
- William Kramer brings years of expertise in large scale computing to the department.
- Ranjitha Kumar brings together an expertise in computing with an expertise in design.
- Aditya Parameswaran is an expert in crowdsourcing and human-in-the-loop data management.
- Hari Sundaram studies collective behavior in social networks.
- Tandy Warnow brings computation to bear on research in evolution and genomics.