CS professor Zhang discusses the next decade of human-machine collaboration


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Korea Herald (May 30) — In the next ten years, "You will see the real intelligent robots and physical robots roaming around," Illinois computer science professor Tong Zhang told an EmTech Korea conference audience in Seoul. Zhang participated in the panel discussion "The Rise of Super-Intelligent Agents" alongside Karen Hao, a tech writer for the Atlantic; Lee Moon-tae, a lab leader at LG AI Research; and Yoon Kim, a partner at Saehan Ventures. Before the panel discussions, in his presentation “Large Language Models and the Prospects for Generative AI," Zhang summarized large language models and artificial general intelligence and shared his ideas on how they will likely change our lives. Answering a question from the floor, Zhang said, "Humans really have a challenge of trying to think about what really makes humans humans. Certainly, AI is not going to help teach us how that is. I think humans need to understand themselves in that new realm of knowledge and sphere of information. I am very confident that humans will come up with very new, very exciting, unbelievable things that AI will never be able to make."

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This story was published May 30, 2024.