During 34 years on the faculty at Illinois, Saylor conducted pioneering research in applied mathematics and iterative methods.
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Illinois Computer Science is deeply saddened to note the passing of Professor Emeritus Paul Saylor.
Former CS faculty member Paul Saylor passed away November 7, 2020.
His son, Gerrit (MS CS ’95), said that Saylor passed away after a prolonged illness on Nov. 7 at Carle Foundation Hospital. He was 81.
During 34 years on the faculty at Illinois, Saylor conducted pioneering research in applied mathematics and iterative methods, solving large-scale scientific problems in areas ranging from geophysics to medical imaging. His kindness, wit, and dedication to his students will be greatly missed.
The department has posted a rememberance about Saylor here.
According to The News-Gazette obituary, memorial services will be scheduled at a future date. Condolences may be offered online at pesaylor.com. Morgan Memorial Home, Savoy, is assisting with arrangements.
Those who wish to make a donation to Illinois CS in Saylor’s memory may do so through the department’s giving page. Donations will go towards a fellowship in scientific computing named in his honor. To send a gift by check, send it to University of Illinois Foundation, P.O. Box 734500, Chicago, IL 60673-4500, payable to "University of Illinois Foundation." Please include a note designating the gift for the Paul Saylor Fellowship in Scientific Computering in the UIUC Computer Science Department.