Maya Gupta

Maya Gupta

Maya Gupta

Home Institution
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Year Participated

Year in School

REU Faculty Mentor
Tandy Warnow

Research Area Interest
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Project Title

Biography & Research Abstract


This summer I am working on a Bayesian method of multiple sequence alignment called BAli-Phy. This method is accurate yet highly computationally intensive, so it takes a very long time to run. The focus of my research is to find a way to improve its accuracy when its run for a short period of time by changing the way the software is run.


Hi – my name is Maya Gupta and I am a rising senior in computer science in the College of Engineering here at the University of Illinois. On campus, I am an Engineering Learning Assistant, so I teach Engineering 100 to the freshman in the fall, and I am also a WIE (Women in Engineering) mentor. In quarantine, I’ve enjoyed running, finding new shows on Netflix, and eating my brother’s cooking concoctions. I look forward to meeting all the other REU participants!