Tong Zhang

Tong Zhang
Tong Zhang he/him/his

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Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 598 TZ - ML Algorithms for LLMs
  • CS 598 TZ - Principles of Generative AI

News Notes

  • 6/27/2024

    "R-Tuning: Instructing Large Language Models to Say `I Don't Know'" by CS professors Heng Ji and Tong Zhang with graduate students Yangyi Chen, Yi R. Fung,  and Xingyao Wang was chosen as an Outstanding Paper at NAACL 2024 in Mexico City, Mexico on June 19. The paper's methodology paves the way for a generation of LLMs that interact with humans in a more honest and factually accurate way.

  • 6/27/2024

    CS professors Heng Ji and Hao Peng and graduate student Chi Han, won an Outstanding Paper Award at the NAACL 2024 Annual Conference for "LM-Infinite: Zero-Shot Extreme Length Generalization for Large Language Models." The paper presents an innovative and much-needed approach to long-context modeling with LLMs. NAACL 2024 was held in Mexico City, Mexico June 16-21.