CS 598 RAP

CS 598 RAP - Cloud Stor Sys: Theory&Practic

Fall 2023

Cloud Stor Sys: Theory&PracticCS598RAP49224L441230 - 1345 W F  1302 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Ram Alagappan

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in computer science intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Section Description

Cloud data centers are powered by storage systems such as key-value stores, file systems, and databases. This course will explore such storage systems, focusing on their theoretical foundations and practical aspects. First, we will learn about data-structural ideas (e.g., LSMs, Be-Trees) and how they have led to the construction of efficient storage systems. Then, we will focus on practical systems issues (e.g., data safety, crash recovery) in building these systems. This course will be research-oriented and discussion-based: most classes will be based on research papers. An essential part of this course is a final research project. At the end of the course, students will be able to critique systems research papers, understand fundamental problems in storage systems, and have experience working on a research project. Students must have a background in undergraduate-level operating systems (CS 423).