CS 173

CS 173 - Discrete Structures

Spring 2017

Discrete StructuresCS173ADA31187DIS31300 - 1350 R  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADB48263DIS31400 - 1450 R  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADC48264DIS31500 - 1550 R  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADD57329DIS31600 - 1650 R  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADE57330DIS31700 - 1750 R  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADF57446DIS31800 - 1850 R  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADG48265DIS31000 - 1050 F  1302 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADH61915DIS31100 - 1150 F  1105 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173ADI61916DIS31200 - 1250 F  1302 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173AL139311LEC00930 - 1045 T R  1002 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BDA48266DIS31100 - 1150 F  1111 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BDB48267DIS31200 - 1250 F  1111 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BDC50441DIS31300 - 1350 F  1111 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BDD50442DIS31400 - 1450 F  1111 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BDE51087DIS31500 - 1550 F  1111 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BDF51089DIS31600 - 1650 F  1111 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham
Discrete StructuresCS173BL250094LEC01100 - 1215 T R  1320 Digital Computer Laboratory Margaret M Fleck
Ryan Cunningham

Official Description

Discrete mathematical structures frequently encountered in the study of Computer Science. Sets, propositions, Boolean algebra, induction, recursion, relations, functions, and graphs. Course Information: Credit is not given for both CS 173 and MATH 213. Prerequisite: One of CS 125, ECE 220; one of MATH 220, MATH 221. Class Schedule Information: Students must register for a lecture and discussion section.

Subject Area

  • Theory / Math



Learning Goals

Predicate logic: determine the truth of statements, perform simple transformations (esp. negation), accurately apply formal definitions (esp. vacuous truth cases, attention to variable types and scope) (6)
Write literate proofs using straightforward application of standard outlines (direct, contrapositive, contradiction, upper/lower bounds). (3)
Write inductive proofs, including proofs on trees (3), (6)
State and apply basic definitions, facts, and notation for commonly used discrete math constructs (3)
Derive big-O running time for simple pseudocode examples, especially recursive examples. Includes finding closed-forms for recursively-defined formulas using unrolling and recursion trees (6)
Classify examples the complexity of very simple examples in terms of countable versus uncountable, polynomial versus exponential, decidable versus undecidable (6)

Topic List

logic and proofs
number theory
sets and collections of sets
Induction and recursive definition
big-O, algorithms, NP
state diagrams

Assessment and Revisions

Revisions in last 6 years Approximately when revision was done Reason for revision
New Textbook Spring 11-Spring 2013 Integrate logic and proof learning throughout term, relate math to applications, modernize
On-line activities Fall 2011-Spring 2013 (on-going) Move simple material out of lectures, aid learning with drill, help students prepare for lectures and be more engaged,
On-line homework submission with rubric grading Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Simplify submission process, encourage quality writing product, enable research into automated feedback

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective


Last updated

2/3/2019by Margaret M. Fleck